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MOTIVE project: Meetings Planned

Kick off meetingAlmaLaurea24 February,
Bologna, ItalyProject Presentation; 1st SC; Management of the project and financial issues; Partnership Agreement; Next steps, definition of partners’ role and related tasks.
Training and DisseminationPTIT23-26 November,
Hanoi, VietnamHorizontal training: researchers, IT and administrative staff;
1st Dissemination Event; Survey Questionnaire discussion; Project management.
Workshop on Comparative Graduate Tracking; 1st Quality report
NUAE22-25 March,
Hanoi, Vietnam2nd SC; Workshop on best practices for Graduate Tracking in Vietnam; Almalaurea Reseach Training; 1st Quality report Presentation; Start of discussion on project Sustainability.
Dissemination Event; 1st Thematic WorkshopVNUA22-25 June 2021Hanoi, VietnamWorkshop on Quality Assurance Mechanism; Questionnaire Draft Version Presentation and Definition of Survey Methodology; Launch of Call for Paper; 2nd Dissemination Event: Presentation of Handbook of Best Practices for Dissemination.
Dissemination Event; 2nd Quality report researchers, training on data cleaning TNU 26-29 October 2021 Thai Nguyen City, Vietnam 3rd Dissemination event, Researchers Training on data cleaning; Presentation of the Recommendation Paper on Graduate Tracking in Vietnam; 2nd Quality Report – External Expert Quality Report Presentation.
Dissemination Event HUHA branch 14-18 March 2022 Quang Nam City,
MOTIVE Project reach Center of Vietnam as well! The meeting planned to take place in Barcelona, changed the location and held in Quang Nam City at Hanoi University of Home Affaire branch! 4th Dissemination Event; 3rd SC; Announcement of the Winner of the call for Paper; National Center Portal Set up Discussion; Management and financial meeting.
1st Project Conference and Capacity building activities AlmaLaurea 18-20 May
Bologna, Italy Capacity building: best practice for sustainability; 4th Steering Committee; importance of Graduate Tracking data for policy makers and decisors; First Conference named “Graduates and Labour Market”; Award of the Winner of the Call for Paper; ; Stakeholder Network Database Presentation. 5th Dissemination Event
Dissemination Event; 2nd Thematic WorkshopHALOU13-16 July 2022 Uong Bi City, Vietnam 6th Dissemination Event; 2nd Thematic Workshops: Self Assessment, Key Competences and Employment; 5th Steering Committee; Management and financial meeting.
Dissemination Meeting, Training and Managment meetingsHTC12-15 September 2022Hanoi, Vietnam6th SC; 7th Dissemination Event; Researcher training meeting and analysis of collected data, workshops “Graduates data analysis: role and importance”; National Center Structure Definition and Portal draft version presentation.
2nd Conference and Dissemination eventAJC31 October – 2 November 2022Hanoi, VietnamSecond Conference named “Evidence based policy and higher education: progress, pitfalls and promise“; 8th Dissemination Event;
Internal Quality report; Preliminary Discussion on the Structure of the Graduate Tracking Report.
Capacity building on Survey reporting eventFHJ28 – 30 March 2023Graz, AustriaPresentation of the First Pilot Report on Graduate Tracking – survey results of 2020 Graduates , Capacity building action and training for Vietnamese staff: feedbacks from EU partners; Presentation of the 3rd Quality Report by the External expert; 7th SC; Update of the Higher Education Institutions Center for Graduates Tracking portal, stakeholders network and Sustainability of the Project; Management and financial meeting
Final ConferenceHANU11-14 December
Hanoi, Vietnam9th Dissemination Event and Final Conference; Presentation of the 2 pilot “Graduate tracking reports”; Signature of the Sustainability Agreement, 8th SC.

Other MOTIVE events

  1. 2020, April 25, On line horizonal training, Hanoi University: https://motive-euproject.net/events/on-line-horizontal-training-hanu-25-april-2020/
  2. 2020, May 6, On line dissemination event, Hanoi University: https://motive-euproject.net/events/on-line-dissemination-event-at-hanoi-university-may-2020/
  3. 2020, July 1, Local horizontal training meeting and dissemination event at Hanoi University: https://motive-euproject.net/events/local-training-meeting-and-dissemination-event-at-hanoi-university-july-2020/
  4. 2020, October 16, Follow ErasmusDays 2020: https://motive-euproject.net/events/follow-erasmusdays-2020/
  5. 2020, December 16, Local dissemination event at Thai Nguyen University, Thai Nguyen City: https://motive-euproject.net/events/local-dissemination-avent-at-thai-nguyen-university-december-2020/
  6. 2021, March 12 Local disseminatiohttps://motive-euproject.net/wp/wp-admin/post.php?post=3794&action=editn event at Vietnam National University of Agriculture, Hanoi: https://motive-euproject.net/events/local-dissemination-meeting-at-vietnam-national-university-of-agriculture-march-2021/
  7. 2021, March 14, Local dissemination event at Hanoi University, Hanoi: https://motive-euproject.net/events/local-dissemination-event-at-hanu-14-march-2021/
  8. 2021, March 29, Local dissemination at Nha Trang University, Nha Trang Province; the representative of Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam, Mr. Bui Tien Dung, presented the MOTIVE project at Nha Trang University (NTU): https://motive-euproject.net/events/motive-project-presentation-by-moet/
  9. 2021, April 9-10, Local dissemination event at Tay Bac University, Son La Province: https://motive-euproject.net/events/local-dissemination-event-at-tay-bac-university-tbu-9-10-april-2021/
  10. 2021, April 28, Local dissemination event at Phu Xuan University, Hue City: https://motive-euproject.net/events/local-dissemination-event-at-phu-xuan-university-28-april-2021/
  11. 2022, May 20-21, Participation at Symposium “ERASMUS+ capacity building programmes of yesterday and tomorrow” organized by International Center for Interdisciplinary Science and Education ICISE, Quy Nhon, Vietnam: https://motive-euproject.net/events/
  12. 2022, June 02, Participation at “University – Employer Forum and Studens Career Day 2022” at Halong University, Province of Quang Ninh: https://motive-euproject.net/events/2022-june-02-participation-at-university-employer-forum-and-studens-career-day-2022-at-halong-university-province-of-quang-ninh/
  13. 2022, September 19-21, Local dissemination event at da Lat Center, Da Lat City: https://motive-euproject.net/events/2022-september-19-21-local-dissemination-event-at-da-lat-center-da-lat-city/
  14. 2023, August 24, Local dissemination event at Hanoi Association of Small and Medium Enterprises: https://motive-euproject.net/events/local-dissemination-event-at-hanoisme/
  15. 2023, September 21-22, Dissemination event in Ho Chi Minh City at Posts and Telecommunication Institute of Technology Branch, at Quality Tech Solution Complex (QTSC) and at Hung Vuong University of Ho Chi Minh City : https://motive-euproject.net/events/dissemination-events-and-workshops-in-ho-chi-minh-city-21-22-september-2023/
  16. 2024, March 13, Dissemination moment and synergies with EMSIV Erasmus+ Project, Bologna, Italy
  17. 2024, March 20, Presentation of MOTIVE Project in the framework of the event “Skills and Labour market”, organized by Kore University, Enna, Italy.
  18. 2024, August 9, Radio Broadcast, MOTIVE Project presentation.